Fall Maintenance Tips

​The first frost has come and gone in Syracuse and it’s time to say hello fall and we will see you soon winter. Now is the time to button up some last-minute exterior maintenance and start making a list for the interior.

Exterior Tips

  1. Check your roof – Look for shingles that are damaged or worn to avoid a leaky roof. Also, clean out the gutters & downspouts to avoid water from entering the home.
  2. Check hoses- Drain and remove outdoor hoses. Place covers on faucets as necessary to avoid frozen pipes
  3. Inspect chimney, vents, and ducts to make sure they are clean and clear.

Interior Tips

  1. Have you furnace serviced. Making sure all mechanicals are working before needing it.
  2. Make sure you Sump Pump is in good working order and if needed have a battery powered pickup.
  3. Seal any doors or windows with drafts
  4. Change batteries in all smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.

Lastly, check with your independent insurance agent to make sure you carry the necessary coverages on your homeowner’s insurance.


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