In the article, we are going to give you tips on how to choose the right insurance agent. Now we might be a little biased on who is the best but we want to give you a few suggestions on what to look for and what you need to be aware of when shopping for insurance.
Insurance Agent vs. Insurance Company
The media and large insurance company’s advertising has turned insurance into a commodity.
Their main push is always about price. And to be honest, if the coverage limits and policy forms are the same, there isn’t much of a difference between Insurance Company A and Insurance Company B except for the premium.
This is where the insurance agent that is helping you makes up a significant difference. The insurance agent should be your main point of contact that advises you on the coverages you should have and what insurance company best fits your needs.
Things to look for with an insurance agent
I am going to break down four things to look for when choosing an insurance agent.
The first and probably the most important thing to look for when looking for an agent is someone that you can trust.
Trust is a huge factor since your agent is the person who will be educating and recommending the right insurance protection that is going to help protect you, your family, and/or your business.
The second recommendation is to find an insurance agent that communicates the way you want to communicate.
Insurance should be easy when you have the right insurance agent. If you like to communicate via email, phone, text message, or face to face but your agent does not offer the way you prefer to communicate then the experience won’t be as positive. Choosing an insurance agent that has the right communication tools that fit your lifestyle is very important.
The third suggestion we have when choosing the best insurance agent is to find one that educates and explains the insurance so that you can understand it.
Insurance is confusing and consumers shouldn’t have to “figure” it out on your own. Find an agent that cares and will make sure you are covered properly but that you also understand it.
Claims Advocate
Your insurance agent should also be your claims advocate. If your agent or agency asks you to call an 800 number to file a claim, you may need to find a new agent.
Having an insurance agent gives you a 3rd party person who can help you through the entire claims process.
Find an agent who is always going to be there for you through this difficult time.

Independent Insurance Agent
Our recommendation is always to find an independent agent who can provide all of these things and more. That is our goal at the Crowley Insurance Agency.
If you don’t have a relationship with an independent insurance agent or want a review of your insurance then click the button below to schedule a review with one of our trusted insurance advisors.